Golf Books #229 (How To Caddie On Tour: Lessons Learned from Inside the Ropes)

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Golf Books #229 (How To Caddie On Tour: Lessons Learned from Inside the Ropes)0

Thinking of being a professional tour caddie? There may be more than one way to earn your credential to caddie on tour, but before you hang that badge around your neck you have to pay some dues. Not the kind that money can buy, the kind that comes with experience inside the ropes.

Even if you want to carry for a friend or family member, your player is going to rely on you to provide accurate information about any given shot. “How To Caddie On Tour” is a collection of lessons learned by a professional golf caddie from inside the ropes at PGA and LPGA tour events. This book will provide you with valuable insight, tips and techniques saving countless hours of trial and error learning how to caddie.

Don’t give your player a reason to fire you because of an obvious mistake. Lessons learned the hard way could mean the highway. 

Publication date: September 18, 2017 (source

About the Author – Mick Tarel – no info available

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