Golf Books #289 (A Girl’s On-course Survival Guide to Golf: Solid Golf Fundamentals… From Tee to Green and In-Between)

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Golf Books #289 (A Girl’s On-course Survival Guide to Golf: Solid Golf Fundamentals… From Tee to Green and In-Between)0

A Girl’s On-Course Survival Guide to Golf is a portable guide that addresses every detail of a woman’s golf game from tee to green and in-between.

It’s packed full of instructional, step-by-step photographs for every technical aspect of the game, while also covering course management, mental tools, rules and etiquette, and a hysterical jokes section for when all else fails. Dotted with fun illustrations when on-course, from tee to green and in-between, A Girl’s On-Course Survival Guide to Golf™ is approachable, user-friendly, and perfectly sized for the golf bag.

This guide allows readers to improve their game while they are playing with a wire binding that allows for easy use on the golf course. No more wishing you could remember what you read in last.

Publication date: July 11, 2011 (source)

About the author

Christina Ricci is a marketing executive who took up golf when she turned thirty. Five years later she is a 5 handicap amateur, has won many competitions and has with a unique perspective and a passion to help other women win.

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