Golf Books #73 (The Golf Lover’s Companion)

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Quotes, trivia, anecdotes, and more for the golf-obsessed

“I always ask my caddy to tell me two things: my yardage, and that I’m the best in the world.”  —Jack Nicklaus

“For a competitive junky like me, golf is a great solution. Because it smacks you in the face every time you think you have accomplished something.”  —Michael Jordan

“Few things draw two men together more than a mutual inability to play golf.”  —P. G. Wodehouse

When you’ve sunk your last putt and you’re ready for a couple of shots at the 19th, relax with this perfectly parred miscellany of quotes, jokes, trivia, and enough golf-inspired fun to make all those slices, bunkers, and bogeys seem like a distant memory.

Publication Date: March 1, 2013 (source)

About the Author

Ben Fraser is the author of You Know You’re a Golf Fanatic When . . ., You Know You’re a Sailing Fanatic When . . ., and You Know You’re Getting Old When . . .

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