Originally aired on HBO, 1988’s Dead Solid Perfect follows a professional golfer on the PGA Tour and chronicles the often less-than-glamorous existence of the touring pro.
Adapted from the hilarious Dan Jenkins novel, Dead Solid Perfect delivers ample laughs as well as giving viewers an inside look at the behind-the-scenes manuevering and politics that fuel the sport.
Randy Quaid stars as a fringe golfer who realizes he has to make some radical changes if he wants to continue to compete. He’s fallen prey to all the cliched temptations available, and now he’s faced with a personal ultimatum. Quaid is suitably irresponsible and arrogant in his portrayal, and isn’t an extremely likeable character.
Several touring pros appear in cameos, and as to be expected, the golf scenes are top-notch and revealing.
Year: 1988
Cast: Randy Quaid, Kathryn Harrold, Jack Warden
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