Golf’s Ultimate Eighteen accomplishes the difficult task of combining interesting stories, useful information, and top-quality photography to create a treat...
Strange Golf Facts
on Monday 4, OctoberThere are many interesting and strange golf facts to be found throughout the world. Since the early days of golf in the middle ages...
Golf Architects/Designers – Robert Muir Graves
on Friday 1, OctoberBorn in Michigan, Robert Muir Graves (1930-2003) studied at Michigan State University and graduated from University of California, Berkeley with a degree in Landscape...
Oceanico Academy Course, Portugal
on Thursday 30, SeptemberWhy stop playing golf when it’s dark? If it is a cool night, the moon is out, and the course is equipped with the...
Golf Books #1 (Zen Golf – Mastering The Mental Game)
on Tuesday 28, SeptemberThe best players know that golf is a game of confidence, and most important, concentration–the ability to focus and block out distraction. The goal...