Vastrm helps us avoid dressing like clones

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Has this ever happened to you?

You show up on early on Saturday morning at the club for a two ball with a friend. You’re wearing matching polos. Absolutely, 100 percent identical, without a team match play event in sight. Fortunately it’s just you, your playing partner and the starter, and that old guy can’t see past the pinsheet. It’ll be a different story post round as you arrive back at the clubhouse during prime time. You deal with it, but c’mon, it’s embarrassing. Don’t let it happen again. It won’t, with Vastrm Fashion coming to the rescue.

A custom polo from Vastrm. Click to configure yours.Vastrm (pronounced vas’ trum) is an ultra-easy to use online make-your-own polo configuration tool. Think for golf shirts. No more looking like a clone on the first tee again. Even if you do tell your friends about it.

Admittedly, this appeals directly to the fashion designer that Chapeau Noir feels is buried deep within, yearning to get out. It also begs the question — why didn’t I think of this? Simply start by choosing your fabric and color. Lascoste Mesh? vSoft Interlock? vSoft Jersey? How about a Limited Fabric? Choose your fave, and then click next to select your style. This is when the fun really starts. Choose your collar, side vent and cuff style. Color swatches pop up to show you that you’ve got options when available. Neat.

How about pockets? One for a tee on the sleeve is a unique option, and the iPhone pocket is essential. Just don’t use it as an iPhone pocket when you tee it up at Augusta National, ok? Choose your placket accent and button type, and add some moisture management if you so choose. You’re nearly done. Choose from Slim, Sport, or Relaxed fit. You probably know your preference here, but hit the fits to find descriptions, and check the Vastrm size and fit chart if need be. Done. So easy, fun, and unique you’ll want to do it again. And again.

Vastrm launched in January 2011, and though still in beta, is a seamless, easy to use, and fun configuration experience. Founder Jonathan Tang told Chapeau Noir Blog that the site is in a constant state of evolution as new features, such as the option to add custom embroidery, are added and workflow is streamlined.

“We are working on the ability to offer embroidery on the shirts if people, teams, associations, companies would like to put their own insignia on it. We can actually do it now, but we need to build the web interface that will allow them to build that as an option within the configurator,” said Tang. (source)

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