Wilderness Club Montana, USA

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Wilderness Club Montana, USA3

Designed by the legend Sir Nick Faldo, the Wilderness Club championship golf course is recognized as the #1 rated public golf course in Montana by Golf Week. With spectacular views and impeccable conditioning it is truly an unforgettable experience.

From our paved pathways you can enjoy the unencumbered views of the surrounding mountain ranges and our fairways punctuated with lakes and streams.

Wilderness Club boasts an expansive all grass driving range, a 9,000 sq. ft. putting green, and 7,000 sq. ft. pitching green which includes a deep faced bunker allowing golfers to practice almost all shots required on the golf course up to 50 yards.

Practice balls await each golfer as they arrive to warm up. Ice chilled bottles of water are an inviting compliment to a productive practice session. Fully equipped, EZ-GO golf cars provide the most comfortable mode of transport for a memorable day.

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