In Ben Hogan’s Short Game Simplified, the follow-up to the successful Ben Hogan’s Magical Device (2009), author Ted Hunt takes things a step further, focusing his attention on the elements of Hogan’s picture-perfect swing specific to shots attempted within one hundred yards of the flagstick.
Beginning with an overview of Hogan’s magical device for the uninitiated, Hunt then segues into a detailed, step-by-step breakdown of Hogan’s swing from the takeaway to the follow-through, with each step garnering its own dedicated chapter complete with illustrations, photos, and drills. Subsequent chapters deal specifically with chip shots; flop shots; bunker shots; putts; spinning, drawing, and fading the ball; Hogan’s fundamentals; additional drills/exercises; and a special chapter on Hogan stories.
Complete with more than one hundred photos and illustrations and informed by the author’s fifty-plus years of experience on the golf course, Ben Hogan’s Short Game Simplified provides the necessary information golfers need to master Hogan’s short game fundamentals and execute them on the course with consistency.
Publication Date: April 1, 2014 (source)
About the Author
Ted Hunt is a lifelong golfer with more than fifty years of experience on the course. He holds two degrees in Physical Education and a Doctorate in History. The author of Ben Hogan’s Magical Device, he lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
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