Golf Books #191 (Golf – A Good Walk & Then Some: A Quintessential History of the Game)

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41PZ5AIfQPL._SX337_BO1,204,203,200_This is the first complete history of the game since the classic book, The Story of American Golf by Herbert Warren Wind, which was published in 1975. Golf A Good Walk & Then Some is a detailed history of the game, from its precursors that range all the way back to the Romans in 300 A.D., to the European continent, to Scotland, and then across the Atlantic to the United States.

Accompanying this treatment are appendices that list golf s individual Major championships going back to the Open Championship in 1860 and provide year-by-year information on the winners, winning scores and venues. The author provides a compilation of similar information for the Ryder, Presidents, Walker, Solheim and Curtis Cups.

Golf A Good Walk & Then Some is a thorough and concise history of golf, its championships, and it competitions. It is a book that will satisfy not only the fan who wants an overview of golf s history but also the history buff who wants a thorough treatment.

Legendary Gary Player, who penned the foreword, described this seminal work quite accurately when he wrote: When you read this book, you will come away knowing that there is much more to the game than just playing it it s the game and then some.

Publication date: October 1, 2010 (source)

About the Author

John R. Jenchura has won two prestigious writing prizes awarded by the United States Golf Association and the Pennsylvania Newspapers Association. He is an avid enthusiast about all things golf he makes his own golf clubs and is a student of the game s history and an award-winning writer. Mr. Jenchura plays regularly at a golf club that he helped to develop, and in which he is a partner.

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