“Saving Bogey” is an auto-biographical memoir with the subtitle of “Thirty Years of Getting Better.” The subtitle represents both my thirty years of recovery from alcohol addiction and my thirty years of improvement in the game of golf. Having taken up the game of golf when I began my sobriety both journeys are proudly represented in this celebration of life and the game of golf.
The book / memoir of almost 52,000 words will take the reader through the real-life experiences and relationships I have encountered over my thirty years of sobriety and involvement in the game of golf. It is a story that destroys the myth that “it can’t be done” by my outline of what it took to break the 100, 90, 80 and finally 70 stroke barriers in golf in addition to becoming sober while accomplishing these goals; a very unique story.
The journey details both the joyous triumphs and heart-breaking lows of life and the game of golf presented to the reader through my experiences and what it was exactly that led to my successes in both my life and golf over the past thirty years; an inspiring chronicle of a victory of the spirit and the capabilities we possess. The book will appeal to golfers of any age, people in recovery and anyone with a belief in the goodness of life.
Publication date: July 18, 2017 (source)
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