Golf is fun – well, it should be. For such a great sport it can frustrate and torment even the strongest willed golfers out there. Keep Golf Fun, looks at ways to make your time spent on the golf course more enjoyable and maybe even lower your scores.
Through real life stories, some minor swing fundamental ideas and lots of humor, this book describes how to make golfing what it should be – fun. We all have different ideas of what constitutes a fun or enjoyable round of golf. Explore what those different ideas are and ensure that they are present in each round of golf.
For some a great round of golf will be shooting a low score and for others it will simply be being able to spend time with friends or family. We get most frustrated when our expectations aren’t being met. Learn how to identify those expectations and keep them where they need to be. Challenging yourself the right way makes all the difference – and makes it more fun, too!
Publication date: December 5, 2016 (source)
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