Golf Movies #14 (Mulligan – 2000)

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The 2000 golf comedy, Mulligan, tells the story of four life-long friends who make it a weekly date to get together for a round of golf. The largely unknown cast features Steve Lattery, Alex Cole, Cedric Yabrough and Joshua Will.

The foursome play a free-wheeling, competitive style of golf, frequently making use of the “mulligan” ( golfing for ‘do over’), a technique each of them, not surprisingly, begin to regularly utilize in their everyday (non-golfing) comings-and-goings, with predictably disastrous results.

Eventually, the foursome has difficulty separating golf from their real lives, along with the realization that they really don’t like each other that much. A shared enemy serves to reunite the once-happy group however, and they drive off into the sunset on golf carts. Mulligan is directed by Tim Van de Steeg.

Cast: Steve Lattery, Joshua Will and Cedric Yarbrough (source)

Year: 2000

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