Golfamily Album #25

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Britain’s Harry Vardon was one of the greatest golfers of his generation. The six-time British Open champion also won the 1900 U.S. Open, lost in a 1913 U.S. Open playoff, and tied for second in the 1920 event at age 50.

Golf Books #374 (Golf Data Journal: Your Guide To Effective Practice Habits And High Performance Routines)

By on Tuesday 6, April

Too much time is wasted when practicing your golf game. Practice smarter, more effectively...

Golf Books #378 (Play Golf Forever: A physiotherapist’s guide to golf fitness and health for the over 50s)

By on Tuesday 4, May

Play Golf Forever is a practical guide to slowing down the gradual decline in...

Golf Books #303 (On Learning Golf: A Valuable Guide to Better Golf)

By on Tuesday 28, May

The War & Peace of golf. A quaint old classic from 1946, with an...