Jason Day digs the new duds from adidas Golf

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Shared from – Chapeau Noir Blog – Trends in Golf Apparel.

Here we have Jason Day, who seems positively giddy over the new Fashion Performance line from adidas Golf. Check it out…

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“I love the strong, confident colors. It really looks unbelievable; these guys killed it! I think this is going to go a long way,” said Day. “I can’t wait to start wearing it – I’d love to take it with me right now! I think adidas Golf has the best product out there and I am really excited to be a part of this – it makes me want to go out and work harder.”

If golf clothes actually make Jason Day work harder, that will be a first, but Chapeau Noir appreciates, and even shares, Day’s enthusiasm.

The new Fashion Performance range will prove to be a wonderful ‘retro mod’ option, giving those loyal to the adidas Golf nation a much needed freshening while attracting the demographic most often associated with the likes of PUMA.

For more information, read the adidas Golf news release.

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