Finally a book that will boost the confidence of a new woman golfer, written by someone who knows how it feels!
Packed with helpful hints, Feeling Naked on the First Tee explains parts of the game that other golf books don’t talk about, in language the beginner can understand.
From the Author
For several years I have been looking for solutions to alleviate the trepidation and self-consciousness that many women feel on the golf course. Finding nothing in the marketplace that speaks to new, nervous women golfers to give them a basic overview of the game and answer some of their questions such as…What do I wear? How do I get started? …led me to write Naked on the First Tee. I know that this guide will provide new golfers with “need to know” basic information which could be critical to their success and enjoyment of this game.
Publication date: Revised 2007 edition (December 10, 2007) (source)
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