Golf Books #281 (Golf Science)

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Golf Books #281 (Golf Science)1

Golf is perhaps the most complicated simple game ever invented. Watching the professionals gives you only a glimpse of the complexity of what is happening, with each shot involving biomechanics, aerodynamics, ballistics, materials science, probability, even meteorology.

Golf Science takes a timely new look at the game by investigating the scientific wonders that transfer the ball from tee to hole. Each chapter investigates a different area of the game and is organized around a series of Q&As. What is the optimum length for a driver? How does backspin work? The answers and the data are presented through illuminating info-graphics.

The perfect way to analyse your own kit and technique, by studying the techniques of the professionals and the latest innovations in design and coaching. Golf Science is the ultimate accessory for any golfer wishing to understand their craft.

Publication date: December, 2019 (source)

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