Q School is one of the most eye-popping, head-spinning, nerve-tingling sporting tests ever invented: golfers who succeed there can shoot to the very top echelon while those who crash and burn may never recover. It’s not a place for the faint-hearted and to emerge triumphant deserves a badge of courage.
The Q School graduates roll of honour dates back to 1976 with Woosnam and then Lyle; it includes Montgomerie and Olazabal, and has moved on to the likes of Westwood, Harrington, Rose and Poulter (who needed an astonishing four visits before he got through).
They all became superstars, yet still acknowledge the struggle that defines the School. Almost 1,000 players start out at Q School every year, hunting for a European Tour Card that opens the door to the possibility of millions of euros in prize money and a jet-set lifestyle, but success is exceptional because only a few Cards are available.
Now, after exploring all 40 years of this wonderfully compelling golf tournament and interviewing hundreds of pros, best selling author Ross Biddiscombe has constructed a remarkable Q School volume, revisioning his past writings and adding plenty of insightful new material. Q School is an ultimate challenge for golfers and a thrill-fest for fans – it makes this book a must-read for golf devotees.
Publication date: December 7, 2015 (source)
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