“The Elegant Mouse: The Bob Toski Story” is a recap of the colorful career of professional golfer turned golf instructor...
Golf Books #270 (The Hole Truth: Determining the Greatest Players in Golf Using Sabermetrics)
on Tuesday 14, AugustEver wonder whether Tiger Woods in his prime would have beaten Bobby Jones, Ben Hogan, or Jack Nicklaus in their primes? And could any...
Golf Books #269 (Golf Dreams: Writings on Golf)
on Tuesday 7, AugustJohn Updike wrote about the lure of golf for five decades, from the first time he teed off at the age of twenty-five until...
Golf Books #268 (A Walk in the Park)
on Tuesday 31, JulyA Walk in the Park: Golfweek’s Guide to America’s Best Classic and Modern Golf Courses Since 1975 Golfweek’s award-winning and uncompromising editorial staff has...
Golf Books #267 (Golf Sense:Practical Tips on How To Play Golf in The Zone)
on Tuesday 24, JulyYou’ve just played two great shots to get onto the green…. and then fluffed the easiest of putts! How did that happen? Surprisingly it...
Golf Books #266 (Ted Ray: The Forgotten Man of Golf)
on Tuesday 17, JulyThis book is about Edward Ted Ray who was born in the village of Gorey, on the east coast of the island of Jersey...
Golf Books #265 (Everything I Know About Golf: Lessons Learned Throughout the Seasons)
on Tuesday 10, JulyCreed outlines and details the many lessons he’s learned about the game of golf. He relates tips which will turn Bogie Golf into Par-less...