Statistically, zero percent of the Chinese population plays golf, still known as the “rich man’s game.” Yet China is in...
Golf Books #114 (The Forbidden Game: Golf and China’s Hypercapitalist Dream)
on Tuesday 1, OctoberStatistically, zero percent of the Chinese population plays golf, still known as the “rich man’s game.” Yet China is in the midst of a...
Golf Books #113 (Vardon, Ouimet & the Birth of Modern Golf)
on Wednesday 4, SeptemberThis fascinating narrative chronicles the birth of the modern game of golf, told through the story of Harry Vardon and Francis Ouimet. These men,...
Golf Books #112 (Golf Ninja Method)
on Tuesday 27, AugustIn the era when samurai were active in Japan, there was another occupational group specializing in intelligence operations, called Ninja. The duties of the...
Golf Books #111 (Golf Around the World…)
on Thursday 11, July… The Great Game and Its Most Spectacular Courses . This lavishly illustrated volume spotlights 55 of the most stunning golf courses across the...
Golf Books #110 (Fearless Golf: Conquering the Mental Game)
on Tuesday 25, JuneA detailed plan for conquering the FEAR that sabotages swings and ruins psyches, from the pioneering psychologist whose techniques have benefited Davis Love III,...
Golf Books #109 (The World’s Greatest Golf Courses on Google Earth)
on Tuesday 18, JuneGolfers forever dream about playing in the most iconic locations, such as the beautiful Augusta National, the testing Valderrama or legendary St Andrews, and...